Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Today - Moks, Mooste, Estonia

today was an unexpected pleasure, hanging out at moks with jez (riley french) and john (grzinich). initially we were going to stay in tartu last night and head for riga today, but plans change, so i came to moks last night after a lovely evening of performance (courtesy of jez and myself) and presentation (ana carvalho), and georgian food (the country, not the period in time).
a short walk around the village with jez showed how great it is up here! it's like a playground for guys like us! entry is not largely restricted when it comes to disused buildings, unlike back home, so you can climb in things, on things, over things - fantastic!
john came over around lunchtime and we set off for a high telephone mast to record the tethering cables, and then up north to a swamp where we recorded with hydrophones for quite a while.
i came back to find 9 people have already signed up for the workshops i'm running on 26th and 27th, which is great news.
apologies for not adding any sound clips today - i haven't even had a chance to listen back myself yet!


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